Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Meat dress just too Gaga?

It's out there, contemporary and made of 100% livestock. Controversial? It goes without saying, but whether or not it can be described as fashion is a matter that is very much up for debate and it is being just that, debated. It's been front page news in most newspapers since the VMA's a few weeks ago and has flared animal rights protest as well as bemusing thousands of people wondering what the statement was, if there even was one. The theories have ranged from the more obvious like anti-fashion to the less obvious like how the US army's view on homosexuality. Personally, i don't understand why we feel the need to find hidden meanings or statements behind things, some things in life exist simply to be beautiful and us picking them apart often takes away the beauty. Some people might disagree that the 'meat dress' is a thing of beauty, but art is personal and i don't think people would be so quick to say Picasso's abstract paintings aren't art. The only problem i see with her dress is isn't it a waste of meat...? Love and stuff x

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